Upskilling & Reskilling2022-11-15T08:49:20+00:00

Predictive Upskilling & Reskilling

Support meaningful employee growth and adaptability

Employee Upskilling & Reskilling

Career Spark’s upskilling software sets people up for the future and beyond. Employee upskilling and reskilling are essential because they benefit the staff and the business as a whole. By focusing on their talents, employees can become more proficient, and their job and the overall organization will benefit from their growth. Also, reskilling gives employees the option to move within departments. That way, staff members don’t feel like they’re stuck doing the same thing for the next 20 years. People will become more aligned with organizational goals and help achieve company objectives in a more efficient and timely manner. Our upskilling software also increases opportunities for everyone.

Trusted by Industry Leaders


3,250,000 people have experienced the Career Spark platform


We use over 370 trillion of predictive data points


68-82% predictive in selecting top performers

Career Development Tips To Improve Growth at Your Company

By |April 6, 2019|

12 industry experts talk about their top strategies when it comes to their career development programs and how they are supporting their employees growth and career aspirations right now.

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