Employee Development2022-11-15T08:49:02+00:00

Employee Development Software & Solutions

Deliver unique development for each employee

Employee Development Software & Solutions

Employee development software can be summed up in one word: growth. Career Spark’s employee learning and development platform clearly shows people their full potential within their current company and role and what they need to accomplish in order to advance. Additionally, employee development software can energize an entire team and build internal networks. For starters, it can be used to show workers they aren’t currently stuck where they are. Additionally, it can assist managers in developing and advancing their own skills and qualifications as leaders. When someone shows an employee they’re capable of more than they think, they’ll begin to think of other ways they can support a business’s goal. These services can make everyone, from managers to general staff, better employees. Provide your leaders with a clear understanding of their top performers, so they can provide learning and development for the rest of their teams.

Trusted by Industry Leaders


3,250,000 people have experienced the Career Spark platform


We use over 370 trillion of predictive data points


68-82% predictive in selecting top performers

Four ways to improve your approach to diversity and inclusion

By |May 3, 2023|

Unfortunately, most D&I initiatives look and sound great but end up being pretty ineffective for two key reasons: they don’t get at the root of the issue, and they lack nuance. For example, do you know why your company lacks diversity in the first place? If you have problems retaining diverse talent, do you know why they leave? 

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